Whether it’s practicing yoga or simply touching your toes in the morning, developing a habit of stretching can lead to less injuries and better performance in your game.
Here are just a few ways that daily stretching can help you in the long run:
It lengthens and relaxes your muscles.
As you’re working out, your muscles constantly flex and contract. Doing stretches before, after and in between helps to stretch your muscles to their full range and prevent any tension that can cause pain. The result leads to a greater stamina and protection against serious injuries that could put you out of the game for some time.
It improves flexibility.
The most obvious benefit of stretching is that it improves your flexibility. Not only does this protect your joints from stiffening and causing pain in the middle of a backswing, it also gives you greater range to swing your arms and shoulders fully from backward to forward.
It increases blood flow.
Because the muscles have elongated, they are less likely to cause any blockage in your blood vessels. This leads to greater oxygen intake and improved blood circulation, which then leads to increased nutrient distribution throughout your whole body.
To being reaping the benefits of stretching, start with these simple full-body moves that you can do while standing or sitting at your desk at work.
- Neck Release
Simply tilt your left ear toward your left shoulder. Gently press down on your head using your left hand for a deeper stretch, but of course be careful not to press past comfort. Repeat on the right side.
- Shoulder Squeeze
Reach both hands behind your lower back and interlace your fingers. Gently straighten your arms and slowly raise them, feeling a stretch between your shoulder blades as well as in your wrists.
- Standing Hamstring Stretch
Otherwise known as touching your toes, simply stand tall with both feet together before bending at the waist and reach for your feet with outstretched hands. You should feel the stretch along the back of your legs. Don’t worry if you can’t reach your toes, and gently bend the knees if the tension is too tight.
If you have other questions regarding your joint pain, give us a call today at (219) 795-3360.