Here are 5 tips for keeping your hips as problem-free as possible.
- Cushion your sleep
If you’re a side sleeper, you’re probably putting your hips in an awkward, twisted position. If that sounds like you, try using a pillow between your knees or a pillow under the knee to avoid twisting and hurting your hips.
- Pay attention to your posture
Yes, posture is important for your back, neck, and shoulders but it’s also important for your hips. Your hips can actually be the thing that’s making you slouch. Try sitting up straight for an entire meal without leaning or needing a backrest. If you feel uncomfortable sitting up straight, it could be a hip issue.
- Keep your feet on the ground
While you’re working on your posture, try not to cross your legs. Crossing your legs puts your hips in an awkward position that can lead to numbness, tingling, irritation, and even pain. Try to keep both feet flat on the floor with your hips aligned.
- Check your shoes
Wear shoes that are supportive of your heel, arch, and toe box to keep your hips happy and healthy. If you walk, run, jog, or exercise regularly make sure you’re upgrading your shoes periodically.
- Do yoga
Yoga is an excellent activity to help improve your flexibility, balance, and strength. The key though is making sure you’re working within your own ability and flexibility range and not putting too much strain on yourself to reach that next level. Stretches, in general, should be a gentle pull, and not painful.
We hope these tips help keep your hips in tip-top shape. If you have any questions about hip issues, give the Bone and Joint Specialists a call at (219) 795-3360.