Here are 20 good questions to get you started as you prepare for your next steps:
- What else can I do to ease my symptoms? Medication, injections, massage or physical therapy? Any other nonsurgical treatments?
- Can I just take more pain medication before I get a joint replacement?
- If I’ve been taking pain medication, should I try a different pain medication or a higher dose before considering surgery?
- What lifestyle changes can I make to delay the need for surgery?
- What happens if I do not choose to undergo surgery? Will my symptoms continue to get worse?
- Can the surgery be done with minimally invasive techniques?
- What is the implant made of? Do I have to worry about it setting off medical detectors?
- How long does the implant last? Will I need it replaced one day or is it permanent?
- What can I expect after joint replacement surgery?
- Will surgery relieve all of the pain I’m experiencing, or will I need further treatment and medication?
- How long will I be in the hospital after surgery?
- Will I need physical therapy in the hospital, at home or in a facility?
- What can I do before surgery to prepare for recovery?
- How many of these surgeries have you performed?
- What are some complications I should be aware of before surgery?
- Do I have any medical conditions or concerns that may lead to complications during or after surgery?
- What is the best-case scenario and worst-case scenario for my surgery?
- What kind of help should I prepare to have when I go home from surgery and how long will I need extra assistance?
- What limitations will I have after surgery that I don’t have now?
- How long will recovery take?
If you’re interested in talking about joint replacement and learning more about your options, call (219) 795-3360 for more information and to schedule your consultation.